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Caring Masculinities in the Context of HIV Serodiscordant Relationships in Papua New Guinea.

Mitchell E, Kelly-Hanku A, Mek A, Trumb RN, Persson A, Worth H, Bell S

  • Published 01 Dec 2019

  • Volume 24

  • ISSUE 2

  • Pagination 326-344

  • DOI 10.1177/1097184X19889659


Globally, there is limited research exploring the positive role men play in reducing HIV vulnerability or in the care and support of women living with HIV. This paper draws on interviews conducted with men and women in heterosexual HIV serodiscordant relationships as part of a longitudinal qualitative study exploring the social aspects of biomedicine among serodiscordant couples in two high HIV-burden areas in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Findings highlight that some HIV negative men in heterosexual relationships are resisting hegemonic masculine norms they see as harmful and are embracing caring masculine identities as they seek to support their HIV-positive wives. We suggest that understandings of masculinity in the context of the HIV epidemic in PNG should be broadened from simplistic discourses and representations of men as largely uncaring and violent to incorporate deeper understanding of how men can and are embracing caring masculinitie