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Boosting of Markers of Fcγ Receptor Function in Anti-HIV Antibodies During Structured Treatment Interruption.

Billings H, Wines BD, Dyer WB, Center RJ, Trist HM, Kent SJ, Hogarth PM

  • Journal AIDS research and human retroviruses

  • Published 21 Aug 2019

  • Volume 35

  • ISSUE 9

  • Pagination 842-852

  • DOI 10.1089/AID.2019.0047


33 ± 11 months), suggesting that there is maintenance of functional antibody specificities within the diminished pool of anti-HIV Env Abs. The initial antibody response to infection in two subjects was characterized by approximately fivefold higher FcγRIIIa compared with FcγRIIa binding activity. Uncoupling of FcγRIIa and FcγRIIIa activities may be a distinct feature of the early antibody response that preferentially engages FcγRIIIa-mediated effector functions. Two to three STI cycles, even with low viremia, were sufficient to boost dimeric FcγR activity in these seroconverter subjects. We hypothesize that increased humoral immunity induced by STI is a desirable functional outcome potentially achievable by therapeutic immunization during ART. We conclude that controlled viral antigen exposure under the protection of suppressive ART may be effective in eliciting FcγR-dependent function in support of viral reactivation and kill strategies.