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Association of haptoglobin levels with age, parasite density, and haptoglobin genotype in a malaria-endemic area of Gabon.

Fowkes FJ, Imrie H, Migot-Nabias F, Michon P, Justice A, Deloron P, Luty AJ, Day KP

  • Journal The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene

  • Published 27 Apr 2006

  • Volume 74

  • ISSUE 1

  • Pagination 26-30


Haptoglobin (Hp) levels were investigated in relation to host genotype in a malaria-endemic area in Gabon. A cross-sectional study of 1-12-year-old children was conducted in the rainy season, a period of high malaria transmission, to examine this relationship. Variables that influenced Hp levels were Hp genotype, location, and age interacting with parasite density. At low parasite densities, there was a negative correlation between Hp levels and age. At higher densities, there was a positive correlation with age. This suggests that in the presence of greater parasite-induced hemolysis, older children are capable of increased production of Hp. Sickle cell trait and ABO blood group was not associated with Hp levels in this population.