in the Peruvian cohort, with our data suggesting that this is due to the high levels of prior exposure required to acquire high IgG3 antibody levels.
Tayipto Y, Rosado J, Gamboa D, White MT, Kiniboro B, Healer J, Opi DH, Beeson JG, Takashima E, Tsuboi T, Harbers M, Robinson L, Mueller I, Longley RJ
VIEW FULL ARTICLEJournal Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology
Published 09 Aug 2022
Volume 12
Pagination 950909
DOI 10.3389/fcimb.2022.950909
in the Peruvian cohort, with our data suggesting that this is due to the high levels of prior exposure required to acquire high IgG3 antibody levels.