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Antimicrobial and inflammatory properties of South African clinical Lactobacillus isolates and vaginal probiotics.

Chetwin E, Manhanzva MT, Abrahams AG, Froissart R, Gamieldien H, Jaspan H, Jaumdally SZ, Barnabas SL, Dabee S, Happel AU, Bowers D, Davids L, Passmore JS, Masson L

  • Journal Scientific reports

  • Published 13 Feb 2019

  • Volume 9

  • ISSUE 1

  • Pagination 1917

  • DOI 10.1038/s41598-018-38253-4


were produced by L. jensenii (adjusted p = 0.0091) and L. mucosae (adjusted p = 0.0308) species, respectively. According to the characteristics evaluated, the top 10 isolates included 4 L. jensenii, 2 L. crispatus, 1 L. mucosae, 1 L. vaginalis and the L. acidophilus probiotic. There is potential to develop an improved vaginal probiotic using clinical Lactobacillus isolates. Inflammatory profiles are critical to evaluate as some isolates induced substantial cytokine production.