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Antibody responses to a suite of novel serological markers for malaria surveillance demonstrate strong correlation with clinical and parasitological infection across seasons and transmission settings in The Gambia.

Wu L, Mwesigwa J, Affara M, Bah M, Correa S, Hall T, Singh SK, Beeson JG, Tetteh KKA, Kleinschmidt I, D'Alessandro U, Drakeley C

  • Journal BMC medicine

  • Published 25 Sep 2020

  • Volume 18

  • ISSUE 1

  • Pagination 304

  • DOI 10.1186/s12916-020-01724-5


As malaria transmission declines, sensitive diagnostics are needed to evaluate interventions and monitor transmission. Serological assays measuring malaria antibody responses offer a cost-effective detection method to supplement existing surveillance tools.

, PfAMA1, and PfGLURP.R2-were quantified using a multiplexed bead-based assay. The association between antibody responses and clinical and parasitological endpoints was estimated at the individual, household, and population level.

, and PfAMA1. For individuals residing in sero-positive compounds, the odds of clinical malaria were reduced, suggesting a protective effect.

At low transmission, long-lived antibody responses could indicate foci of malaria transmission that have been ongoing for several seasons or years. In settings where sub-patent infections are prevalent and fluctuate below the detection limit of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the presence of short-lived antibodies may indicate recent infectivity, particularly in the dry season when clinical cases are rare. Serological responses may reflect a persistent reservoir of infection, warranting community-targeted interventions if individuals are not clinically apparent but have the potential to transmit. Therefore, serological surveillance at the individual and household level may be used to target interventions where there are foci of asymptomatically infected individuals, such as by measuring the magnitude of age-stratified antibody levels or identifying areas with clustering of above-average antibody responses across a diverse range of serological markers.