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Antibody Responses to a Quadrivalent Hepatitis C Viral-Like Particle Vaccine Adjuvanted with Toll-Like Receptor 2 Agonists.

Christiansen D, Earnest-Silveira L, Chua B, Boo I, Drummer HE, Grubor-Bauk B, Gowans EJ, Jackson DC, Torresi J

  • Journal Viral immunology

  • Published 28 Feb 2018

  • Volume 31

  • ISSUE 4

  • Pagination 338-343

  • DOI 10.1089/vim.2017.0182


Cys compared to HCV VLPs alone. However, the TLR2 agonists did not result in stronger NAb responses compared to vaccine without adjuvant. Such a vaccine could provide a substantial addition to the overall goal to eliminate HCV.