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Antibody Reactivity to Merozoite Antigens in Ghanaian Adults Correlates With Growth Inhibitory Activity Against <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> in Culture.

Mensah-Brown HE, Aspeling-Jones H, Delimini RK, Asante KP, Amlabu E, Bah SY, Beeson JG, Wright GJ, Conway DJ, Awandare GA

  • Journal Open forum infectious diseases

  • Published 28 May 2019

  • Volume 6

  • ISSUE 7

  • Pagination ofz254

  • DOI 10.1093/ofid/ofz254


uses a repertoire of merozoite-stage proteins for invasion of erythrocytes. Antibodies against some of these proteins halt the replication cycle of the parasite by preventing erythrocyte invasion and are implicated as contributors to protective immunity against malaria.

culture lines, including clinical isolates.

Antibodies against the antigens increased in an age-dependent manner in children. Breadth of reactivity to the different antigens was strongly associated with in vitro parasite growth inhibitory activity of IgG purified from the adults. The strongest predictors of breadth of antibody reactivity were age and transmission intensity, and a combination of reactivities to Rh2, Rh4, and Rh5 correlated strongly with invasion inhibition.

Growth inhibitory activity was significantly associated with breadth of antibody reactivity to merozoite antigens, encouraging the prospect of a multicomponent blood-stage vaccine.