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Antibody-mediated targeting of antigen to C-type lectin-like receptors Clec9A and Clec12A elicits different vaccination outcomes.

Macri C, Dumont C, Panozza S, Lahoud MH, Caminschi I, Villadangos JA, Johnston AP, Mintern JD

  • Journal Molecular immunology

  • Published 12 Dec 2016

  • Volume 81

  • Pagination 143-150

  • DOI 10.1016/j.molimm.2016.12.010


DCs, whereas Clec9A did not elicit significant MHC II Ag presentation by either DC subset, resting or mature. Therefore, Clec9A and Clec12A exhibit different intrinsic capacities to elicit MHC I and MHC II presentation following direct Ag targeting, though they can only elicit MHC I responses if the DC expressing the receptor is equipped with the capacity to cross-present. Our conclusions have consequences for the exploitation of these receptors for vaccination purposes, in addition to providing insight into their roles as Ag targets in vivo.