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Acquisition of Antibodies Against Endothelial Protein C Receptor-Binding Domains of Plasmodium falciparum Erythrocyte Membrane Protein 1 in Children with Severe Malaria.

Rambhatla JS, Turner L, Manning L, Laman M, Davis TME, Beeson JG, Mueller I, Warrel J, Theander TG, Lavstsen T, Rogerson SJ

  • Journal The Journal of infectious diseases

  • Published 12 Nov 2019

  • Volume 219

  • ISSUE 5

  • Pagination 808-818

  • DOI 10.1093/infdis/jiy564


Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) mediates parasite sequestration in postcapillary venules in P. falciparum malaria. PfEMP1 types can be classified based on their cysteine-rich interdomain region (CIDR) domains. Antibodies to different PfEMP1 types develop gradually after repeated infections as children age, and antibodies to specific CIDR types may confer protection.

Levels of immunoglobulin G to 35 recombinant CIDR domains were measured by means of Luminex assay in acute-stage (baseline) and convalescent-stage plasma samples from Papua New Guinean children with severe or uncomplicated malaria and in healthy age-matched community controls.

At baseline, antibody levels were similar across the 3 groups. After infection, children with severe malaria had higher antibody levels than those with uncomplicated malaria against the endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR) binding CIDRα1 domains, and this difference was largely confined to older children. Antibodies to EPCR-binding domains increased from presentation to follow-up in severe malaria, but not in uncomplicated malaria.

The acquisition of antibodies against EPCR-binding CIDRα1 domains of PfEMP1 after a severe malaria episode suggest that EPCR-binding PfEMP1 may have a role in the pathogenesis of severe malaria in Papua New Guinea.