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Absenteeism and presenteeism among caregivers of chronic diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Das N, Majumdar IK, Agius PA, Lee P, Robinson S, Gao L

  • Journal Social science & medicine (1982)

  • Published 03 Oct 2024

  • Volume 363

  • Pagination 117375

  • DOI 10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.117375


Productivity-adjusted life-year (PALY) is a relatively new measure for quantifying the impact of disease on productivity. This study aims to systematically review the productivity factors such as absenteeism and presenteeism among informal caregivers of patients with a wide range of chronic health conditions to inform the PALY quantifications.

A literature search across MEDLINE, Embase, EconLIT, PsychInfo, and CINAHL identified 3578 studies from which a final 23 studies were included in the analysis. To explore the pooled estimate of caregiver absenteeism/presenteeism across diseases and possible drivers, a meta-analysis and meta-regression were conducted using studies where relevant data was available.

 = 95.4%) respectively with a high a level of heterogeneity. Factors such as the disease type, and disease severity can influence the caregivers' work productivity.

The data derived in this study will enable the derivation of productivity indices to estimate PALY among caregivers. Future studies can explore the work productivity impact among caregivers of patients with other chronic conditions where they have a significant role but are unexplored, and severity-wise studies in conditions such as stroke and dementia to understand the caregivers' societal productivity impact.