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A survey of hepatitis C management by Victorian GPs after PBS-listing of direct-acting antiviral therapy.

Wade A, Draper B, Doyle J, Allard N, Grinzi P, Thompson A, Hellard M

  • Journal Australian family physician

  • Published 18 Sep 2017

  • Volume 46

  • ISSUE 4

  • Pagination 235-240


To increase access to hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) enabled general practitioners (GPs) to prescribe direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapy. We conducted a survey to identify GPs' knowledge and management of HCV.

A questionnaire consisting of 20 items about HCV knowledge and management was sent to 1000 GPs.

One hundred and ninety-one GPs (19.1%) responded; 74% answered correctly that antibody and RNA positivity is diagnostic of HCV. Only 12% could directly request transient elastography. Although 53% of respondents reported interest in prescribing DAAs, 72% continued to refer all patients to specialists. Fifty-five per cent were unsure if people who currently inject drugs were eligible for treatment.

Most respondents were interested in prescribing DAAs, but education, access to transient elastography and clear consultation pathways are required to translate this interest into increased treatment availability. PBS eligibility of current injectors needs promotion.