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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Successful integration of newborn genetic testing into UK routine screening using prospective consent to determine eligibility for clinical trials.

Bendor-Samuel OM, Wishlade T, Willis L, Aley P, Choi E, Craik R, Mujadidi Y, Mounce G, Roseman F, De La Horra Gozalo A, Bland J, Taj N, Smith I, Ziegler AG, Bonifacio E, Winkler C, Haupt F, Todd JA, Servais L, Snape MD, Vatish M; GPPAD Study Group

Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
Music festival attendees' transport mode and beliefs about alcohol and illicit drug use before driving in Victoria, Australia.

Raggatt M, Douglass C, Wright C, Reddan H, O'Connell H, Dietze P, Lim M

Alcohol and Other Drugs Injecting Drug Use
Hungry for more: Australian medical students' competence, attitudes and preferences towards nutrition education.

Bredhauer J, Cone S, Brown L, Moseley G, Wilson A, Perlstein R, Ball L

Reflections on the in-prison recruitment and participation of men with a history of injecting drug use, in a longitudinal cohort study in Australia.

Walker S, Curtis M, Woods E, Pierce L, Kirwan A, Stewart AC, Cossar R, Winter R, Dietze P, Kinner SA, Ogloff JRP, Butler T, Stoové M

Justice Health
Reducing malaria transmission in forest-going mobile and migrant populations in Lao PDR and Cambodia: protocol for stepped-wedge cluster-randomised controlled trial.

Htike W, Oo WH, Lynn T, Sovanda L, Agius PA, Oo MC, Galau NH, Thu KM, Zaw AK, Htwe EP, Cutts JC, Kearney EA, Scott N, O'Flaherty K, Wang B, Khamlome B, Vilay P, Siv S, Fowkes FJI

Quarantine preparedness - the missing factor in COVID-19 behaviour change? Qualitative insights from Australia.

Davis A, Munari S, Doyle J, Sutton B, Cheng A, Hellard M, Gibbs L