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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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90-90-90: how do we get there?

McMahon JH, Medland N

Reasons for defaulting from drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment in Armenia: a quantitative and qualitative study.

Sanchez-Padilla E, Marquer C, Kalon S, Qayyum S, Hayrapetyan A, Varaine F, Bastard M, Bonnet M

A randomised controlled trial of high dose vitamin D in recent-onset type 2 diabetes.

Elkassaby S, Harrison LC, Mazzitelli N, Wentworth JM, Colman PG, Spelman T, Fourlanos S

Designer antigens for elicitation of broadly neutralizing antibodies against HIV.

Kok T, Gaeguta A, Finnie J, Gorry PR, Churchill M, Li P

Does intimate partner violence impact on women's initiation and duration of breastfeeding?

James JP, Taft A, Amir LH, Agius P

"I can also serve as an inspiration": a qualitative study of the TB&Me blogging experience and its role in MDR-TB treatment.

Horter S, Stringer B, Venis S, du Cros P