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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Hepatitis C Virus Reinfection and Spontaneous Clearance of Reinfection--the InC3 Study.

Sacks-Davis R, Grebely J, Dore GJ, Osburn W, Cox AL, Rice TM, Spelman T, Bruneau J, Prins M, Kim AY, McGovern BH, Shoukry NH, Schinkel J, Allen TM, Morris M, Hajarizadeh B, Maher L, Lloyd AR, Page K, Hellard M, InC3 study group

Plasmodium vivax populations are more genetically diverse and less structured than sympatric Plasmodium falciparum populations.

Jennison C, Arnott A, Tessier N, Tavul L, Koepfli C, Felger I, Siba PM, Reeder JC, Bahlo M, Mueller I, Barry AE

Can Australia eliminate TB? Modelling immigration strategies for reaching MDG targets in a low-transmission setting.

Denholm JT, McBryde ES

A serine-arginine-rich (SR) splicing factor modulates alternative splicing of over a thousand genes in Toxoplasma gondii.

Yeoh LM, Goodman CD, Hall NE, van Dooren GG, McFadden GI, Ralph SA

Maternal health and pregnancy outcomes comparing migrant women born in humanitarian and nonhumanitarian source countries: a retrospective, observational study.

Gibson-Helm ME, Teede HJ, Cheng IH, Block AA, Knight M, East CE, Wallace EM, Boyle JA

Control of trachoma in Australia: a model based evaluation of current interventions.

Shattock AJ, Gambhir M, Taylor HR, Cowling CS, Kaldor JM, Wilson DP