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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Comprehensive needle and syringe program and opioid agonist therapy reduce HIV and hepatitis c virus acquisition among people who inject drugs in different settings: A pooled analysis of emulated trials.

van Santen DK, Lodi S, Dietze P, van den Boom W, Hayashi K, Dong H, Cui Z, Maher L, Hickman M, Boyd A, Prins M

An evaluation of existing text de-identification tools for use with patient progress notes from Australian general practice.

El-Hayek C, Barzegar S, Faux N, Doyle K, Pillai P, Mutch SJ, Vaisey A, Ward R, Sanci L, Dunn AG, Hellard ME, Hocking JS, Verspoor K, Boyle DI

Oncologic outcomes in myxofibrosarcomas: the role of a multidisciplinary approach and surgical resection margins.

Rhee I, Spazzoli B, Stevens J, Hansa A, Spelman T, Pang G, Guiney M, Powell G, Choong P, Di Bella C

Reproductive deliberation: Supporting autonomous decision making in prenatal genetic counseling.

Warton C, Johnston M, Mills C

Prospective study of retention in opioid agonist treatment and contact with emergency healthcare following release from prisons in Victoria, Australia.

Curtis M, Wilkinson AL, Dietze P, Stewart AC, Kinner SA, Cossar RD, Nehme E, Aitken C, Walker S, Butler T, Winter RJ, Smith K, Stoove M

Harm Reduction Is Not Just About Low Threshold Services for People Using Drugs.

Cogger S, Higgs P