The WHO application of ICD-10 to deaths during the perinatal period (ICD-PM): results from pilot database testing in South Africa and United Kingdom.
Allanson ER, Tunçalp Ö, Gardosi J, Pattinson RC, Francis A, Vogel JP, Erwich J, Flenady VJ, Frøen JF, Neilson J, Quach A, Chou D, Mathai M, Say L, Gülmezoglu AM
Twin Pregnancy and Severe Maternal Outcomes: The World Health Organization Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health.
Santana DS, Cecatti JG, Surita FG, Silveira C, Costa ML, Souza JP, Mazhar SB, Jayaratne K, Qureshi Z, Sousa MH, Vogel JP, WHO Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health Research Network