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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Feasible HCV targets in Egypt.

Jansson J, Wilson DP

Feasible HCV targets in Egypt.
Ebola viral load at diagnosis associates with patient outcome and outbreak evolution.

de La Vega MA, Caleo G, Audet J, Qiu X, Kozak RA, Brooks JI, Kern S, Wolz A, Sprecher A, Greig J, Lokuge K, Kargbo DK, Kargbo B, Di Caro A, Grolla A, Kobasa D, Strong JE, Ippolito G, Van Herp M, Kobinger GP

Ebola viral load at diagnosis associates with patient outcome and outbreak evolution.
Bats and Rodents Shape Mammalian Retroviral Phylogeny.

Cui J, Tachedjian G, Wang LF

Bats and Rodents Shape Mammalian Retroviral Phylogeny.
Predictors and rate of adjuvant radiation therapy following radical prostatectomy: A report from the Prostate Cancer Registry.

Daniels CP, Millar JL, Spelman T, Sengupta S, Evans SM

Predictors and rate of adjuvant radiation therapy following radical prostatectomy: A report from the Prostate Cancer Registry.
Alternative regimens of magnesium sulfate for treatment of preeclampsia and eclampsia: a systematic review of non-randomized studies.

Pratt JJ, Niedle PS, Vogel JP, Oladapo OT, Bohren M, Tunçalp Ö, Gülmezoglu AM

Alternative regimens of magnesium sulfate for treatment of preeclampsia and eclampsia: a systematic review of non-randomized studies.
Factors Associated With Increased Rates of Caesarean Section in Women of Advanced Maternal Age.

Janoudi G, Kelly S, Yasseen A, Hamam H, Moretti F, Walker M

Factors Associated With Increased Rates of Caesarean Section in Women of Advanced Maternal Age.