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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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The NF-κB transcription factor RelA is required for the tolerogenic function of Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells.

Messina N, Fulford T, O'Reilly L, Loh WX, Motyer JM, Ellis D, McLean C, Naeem H, Lin A, Gugasyan R, Slattery RM, Grumont RJ, Gerondakis S

Duration of obesity and incident hypertension in adults from the Framingham Heart Study.

Tanamas SK, Wong E, Backholer K, Abdullah A, Wolfe R, Barendregt J, Peeters A

Antibody-Carbohydrate Recognition from Docked Ensembles Using the AutoMap Procedure.

Dingjan T, Agostino M, Ramsland PA, Yuriev E

Syringe Stockpiling by Persons Who Inject Drugs: An Evaluation of Current Measures for Needle and Syringe Program Coverage.

McCormack AR, Aitken CK, Burns LA, Cogger S, Dietze PM

Risk factors for Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax gametocyte carriage in Papua New Guinean children with uncomplicated malaria.

Karl S, Laman M, Moore BR, Benjamin JM, Salib M, Lorry L, Maripal S, Siba P, Robinson LJ, Mueller I, Davis TM

Differences in polysubstance use patterns and drug-related outcomes between people who inject drugs receiving and not receiving opioid substitution therapies.

Betts KS, Chan G, McIlwraith F, Dietze P, Whittaker E, Burns L, Alati R