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Research Articles

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Targeting populations at higher risk for malaria: a survey of national malaria elimination programmes in the Asia Pacific.

Wen S, Harvard KE, Gueye CS, Canavati SE, Chancellor A, Ahmed BN, Leaburi J, Lek D, Namgay R, Surya A, Thakur GD, Whittaker MA, Gosling RD

Our future: a Lancet commission on adolescent health and wellbeing.

Patton GC, Sawyer SM, Santelli JS, Ross DA, Afifi R, Allen NB, Arora M, Azzopardi P, Baldwin W, Bonell C, Kakuma R, Kennedy E, Mahon J, McGovern T, Mokdad AH, Patel V, Petroni S, Reavley N, Taiwo K, Waldfogel J, Wickremarathne D, Barroso C, Bhutta Z, Fatusi AO, Mattoo A, Diers J, Fang J, Ferguson J, Ssewamala F, Viner RM

Global burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors for young people's health during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013.

Mokdad AH, Forouzanfar MH, Daoud F, Mokdad AA, El Bcheraoui C, Moradi-Lakeh M, Kyu HH, Barber RM, Wagner J, Cercy K, Kravitz H, Coggeshall M, Chew A, O'Rourke KF, Steiner C, Tuffaha M, Charara R, Al-Ghamdi EA, Adi Y, Afifi RA, Alahmadi H, AlBuhairan F, Allen N, AlMazroa M, Al-Nehmi AA, AlRayess Z, Arora M, Azzopardi P, Barroso C, Basulaiman M, Bhutta ZA, Bonell C, Breinbauer C, Degenhardt L, Denno D, Fang J, Fatusi A, Feigl AB, Kakuma R, Karam N, Kennedy E, Khoja TA, Maalouf F, Obermeyer CM, Mattoo A, McGovern T, Memish ZA, Mensah GA, Patel V, Petroni S, Reavley N, Zertuche DR, Saeedi M, Santelli J, Sawyer SM, Ssewamala F, Taiwo K, Tantawy M, Viner RM, Waldfogel J, Zuñiga MP, Naghavi M, Wang H, Vos T, Lopez AD, Al Rabeeah AA, Patton GC, Murray CJ

Safer scoring? Cryptomarkets, social supply and drug market violence.

Barratt MJ, Ferris JA, Winstock AR

Results of an international drug testing service for cryptomarket users.

Caudevilla F, Ventura M, Fornís I, Barratt MJ, Vidal C, Lladanosa CG, Quintana P, Muñoz A, Calzada N

Creb1 regulates late stage mammalian lung development via respiratory epithelial and mesenchymal-independent mechanisms.

Antony N, McDougall AR, Mantamadiotis T, Cole TJ, Bird AD