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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Crystalline methamphetamine use and methamphetamine-related harms in Australia.

Degenhardt L, Sara G, McKetin R, Roxburgh A, Dobbins T, Farrell M, Burns L, Hall WD

Diabetes and compression of disability in the USA.

Wong E

Toll-like Receptor Expression and Signaling in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Correlate With Clinical Outcomes in Acute Hepatitis C Virus Infection.

Chen Yi Mei SL, Burchell J, Skinner N, Millen R, Matthews G, Hellard M, Dore GJ, Desmond PV, Sundararajan V, Thompson AJ, Visvanathan K, Sasadeusz J

Optimizing HIV/AIDS resources in Armenia: increasing ART investment and examining HIV programmes for seasonal migrant labourers.

Kelly SL, Shattock AJ, Kerr CC, Stuart RM, Papoyan A, Grigoryan T, Hovhannisyan R, Grigoryan S, Benedikt C, Wilson DP

Overcoming challenges in the changing environment of practice-based research.

Finch SA, Wasserman R, Nabi-Burza E, Hipple B, Oldendick R, Winickoff JP

A novel point-of-care testing strategy for sexually transmitted infections among pregnant women in high-burden settings: results of a feasibility study in Papua New Guinea.

Badman SG, Vallely LM, Toliman P, Kariwiga G, Lote B, Pomat W, Holmer C, Guy R, Luchters S, Morgan C, Garland SM, Tabrizi S, Whiley D, Rogerson SJ, Mola G, Wand H, Donovan B, Causer L, Kaldor J, Vallely A