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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Global burden of HIV, viral hepatitis, and tuberculosis in prisoners and detainees.

Dolan K, Wirtz AL, Moazen B, Ndeffo-Mbah M, Galvani A, Kinner SA, Courtney R, McKee M, Amon JJ, Maher L, Hellard M, Beyrer C, Altice FL

Field engagement further facilitates hepatitis B vaccination completion: Letter in response to: Day et al. (in press).

Higgs P, Doyle J, Luppi J, Dietze P, Hellard M

Take-home naloxone programs and calls to emergency services.

Kirwan A, Curtis M, van Beek IA, Cantwell K, Dietze PM

Australia reschedules naloxone for opioid overdose.

Lenton SR, Dietze PM, Jauncey M

Alcohol and other drug treatment policy in Australia.

Ritter A, Stoove M

Epidemiology of Substance Use among Forced Migrants: A Global Systematic Review.

Horyniak D, Melo JS, Farrell RM, Ojeda VD, Strathdee SA