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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Twin Pregnancy and Severe Maternal Outcomes: The World Health Organization Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health.

Santana DS, Cecatti JG, Surita FG, Silveira C, Costa ML, Souza JP, Mazhar SB, Jayaratne K, Qureshi Z, Sousa MH, Vogel JP, WHO Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health Research Network

Fluid-Structure Interaction of a Rolling Cylinder with Offset Centre-of-Mass.

Houdroge FY, Thompson MC, Leweke T, Hourigan K

The global threat of Zika virus to pregnancy: epidemiology, clinical perspectives, mechanisms, and impact.

Boeuf P, Drummer HE, Richards JS, Scoullar MJ, Beeson JG

Exceptionally long CDR3H of bovine scFv antigenized with BoHV-1 B-epitope generates specific immune response against the targeted epitope.

Pasman Y, Soliman C, Ramsland PA, Kaushik AK

IFPA meeting 2015 workshop report IV: placenta and obesity; stem cells of the feto-maternal interface; placental immunobiology and infection.

Abumaree MH, Almutairi A, Cash S, Boeuf P, Chamley LW, Gamage T, James JL, Kalionis B, Khong TY, Kolahi KS, Lim R, Liong S, Morgan TK, Motomura K, Peiris HN, Pelekanos RA, Pelzer E, Shafiee A, Lash GE, Natale D

Acceptability and feasibility of point-of-care CD4 testing on HIV continuum of care in low and middle income countries: a systematic review.

Pham MD, Agius PA, Romero L, McGlynn P, Anderson D, Crowe SM, Luchters S