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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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The mental health status of refugees and asylum seekers attending a refugee health clinic including comparisons with a matched sample of Australian-born residents.

Shawyer F, Enticott JC, Block AA, Cheng IH, Meadows GN

The recovery of online drug markets following law enforcement and other disruptions.

Van Buskirk J, Bruno R, Dobbins T, Breen C, Burns L, Naicker S, Roxburgh A

Naturally Acquired Binding-Inhibitory Antibodies to <i>Plasmodium vivax</i> Duffy Binding Protein in Pregnant Women Are Associated with Higher Birth Weight in a Multicenter Study.

Requena P, Arévalo-Herrera M, Menegon M, Martínez-Espinosa FE, Padilla N, Bôtto-Menezes C, Malheiro A, Hans D, Castellanos ME, Robinson L, Samol P, Kochar S, Kochar SK, Kochar DK, Desai M, Sanz S, Quintó L, Mayor A, Rogerson S, Mueller I, Severini C, Del Portillo HA, Bardají A, Chitnis CC, Menéndez C, Dobaño C

The cationic small molecule GW4869 is cytotoxic to high phosphatidylserine-expressing myeloma cells.

Vuckovic S, Vandyke K, Rickards DA, McCauley Winter P, Brown SHJ, Mitchell TW, Liu J, Lu J, Askenase PW, Yuriev E, Capuano B, Ramsland PA, Hill GR, Zannettino ACW, Hutchinson AT

Dropout in clinical trials of pharmacological treatment for methamphetamine dependence: the role of initial abstinence.

Cook R, Quinn B, Heinzerling K, Shoptaw S

Kazakhstan can achieve ambitious HIV targets despite expected donor withdrawal by combining improved ART procurement mechanisms with allocative and implementation efficiencies.

Shattock AJ, Benedikt C, Bokazhanova A, Đurić P, Petrenko I, Ganina L, Kelly SL, Stuart RM, Kerr CC, Vinichenko T, Zhang S, Hamelmann C, Manova M, Masaki E, Wilson DP, Gray RT