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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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The HIV Reservoir in Monocytes and Macrophages.

Wong ME, Jaworowski A, Hearps AC

Indications for, and timing of, planned caesarean section: A systematic analysis of clinical guidelines.

Coates D, Homer C, Wilson A, Deady L, Mason E, Foureur M, Henry A

Pre-clinical evaluation of a quadrivalent HCV VLP vaccine in pigs following microneedle delivery.

Christiansen D, Earnest-Silveira L, Grubor-Bauk B, Wijesundara DK, Boo I, Ramsland PA, Vincan E, Drummer HE, Gowans EJ, Torresi J

The safety of double- and triple-drug community mass drug administration for lymphatic filariasis: A multicenter, open-label, cluster-randomized study.

Weil GJ, Bogus J, Christian M, Dubray C, Djuardi Y, Fischer PU, Goss CW, Hardy M, Jambulingam P, King CL, Kuttiat VS, Krishnamoorthy K, Laman M, Lemoine JF, O'Brian KK, Robinson LJ, Samuela J, Schechtman KB, Sircar A, Srividya A, Steer AC, Supali T, Subramanian S, DOLF IDA Safety Study Group

Measures of harm reduction service provision for people who inject drugs.

O'Keefe D, Bluthenthal RN, Kral AH, Aitken CK, McCormack A, Dietze PM

A qualitative investigation of barriers, support-seeking and coping among South Sudanese people with chronic hepatitis B in Australia.

William Mude, Christopher Fisher, Jacqui Richmond, Jack Wallace, Roslyn Le Gautier

Hepatitis B