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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Tracking, tracing, trust: contemplating mitigating the impact of COVID-19 through technological interventions.

Coghlan S, Cheong M, Coghlan B

Tracking, tracing, trust: contemplating mitigating the impact of COVID-19 through technological interventions.
Social impacts of living with chronic hepatitis B in South Sudanese community in Australia.

Mude WW, Fisher CM, Richmond J, Gautier RL, Wallace J

Social impacts of living with chronic hepatitis B in South Sudanese community in Australia.
Flow Cytometry Analysis to Identify Human CD8<sup>+</sup> T Cells.

Flynn J, Gorry P

Flow Cytometry Analysis to Identify Human CD8<sup>+</sup> T Cells.
Flow Cytometry Analysis to Identify Human CD4<sup>+</sup> T Cell Subsets.

Flynn J, Gorry P

Flow Cytometry Analysis to Identify Human CD4<sup>+</sup> T Cell Subsets.
The response to COVID-19 in prisons must consider the broader mental health impacts for people in prison.

Stewart A, Cossar R, Stoové M

COVID-19 Justice Health The response to COVID-19 in prisons must consider the broader mental health impacts for people in prison.
The impact of Victoria's real time prescription monitoring system (SafeScript) on a cohort of people who inject drugs.

Fetene DM, Higgs P, Nielsen S, Djordjevic F, Dietze P

The impact of Victoria's real time prescription monitoring system (SafeScript) on a cohort of people who inject drugs.