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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Reducing Postpartum Weight Retention: A Review of the Implementation Challenges of Postpartum Lifestyle Interventions.

Makama M, Skouteris H, Moran LJ, Lim S.

Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
Peer Research in Health and Social Development: International Perspectives on Participatory Research (eBook)

Bell S, Aggleton P, Gibson A

Receiving maternity care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences of women's partners and support persons.

Vasilevski V, Sweet L, Bradfield Z, Wilson AN, Hauck Y, Kuliukas L, Homer CSE, Szabo RA, Wynter K

COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
Setting up pharmacovigilance based on available endTB Project data for bedaquiline.

Lachenal N, Hewison C, Mitnick C, Lomtadze N, Coutisson S, Osso E, Ahmed S, Leblanc G, Islam S, Atshemyan H, Nair P, Kholikulov B, Aiylchiev S, Zarli K, Adnan S, Krisnanda A, Padayachee S, Stambekova A, Sahabutdinova Y, de Guadalupe S, Moreno P, Kumsa A, Reshid A, Makaka J, Abebe S, Melikyan N, Seung KJ, Khan U, Khan P, Huerga H, Rich M, Varaine F

Humanising medicine in the era of universal masking.

Tse WC, Leder K, Leech M

Tuberculosis contact investigation and short-course preventive therapy among young children in Africa.

Schwoebel V, Koura KG, Adjobimey M, Gnanou S, Wandji AG, Gody JC, Delacourt C, Detjen A, Graham SM, Masserey E, Mselatti P, Roggi A, Trébucq A